Zepp Z - App tutorials
Notify App license information
Notify App license information
How to setup Zepp Z notifications correctly and fix issues
Setup Notify App notifications and troubleshoot Zepp Z notification issues.
How to pair your Zepp Z on Notify App
How to install and pair your Zepp Z with Notify App, fix pairing and sync issues.
New Zepp Z firmwares limitations
The latest Zepp Z firmware updates has some new limitations and restrictions. Check out what changed.
How to sync workouts from Zepp Z on Notify App
If you're unable to sync your [%device} workouts data with the Notify App, these tips and tricks should help.
How to reduce my Zepp Z battery usage to last more days
Reduce {%watch} high battery usage drain. This is a short and simple guide to stop your {%watch} device from using battery power unnecessarily.
How to reduce your phone battery usage to last more hours
Reduce your phone high battery usage drain. This is a short and simple guide to stop your Notify App from using battery power unnecessarily.
How to get your Zepp Z Auth Key code
How to obtain your Zepp Z Auth key code