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Tasker integration

If you don't know what is Tasker, please check it here Tasker on Play Store

There are many other Tasker compatible apps you can use too:

Enable Tasker integration on Notify

Open Notify app, go on Smart assistant section, choose Tasker integration and enable it. Optionally, you can setup a password to ensure other apps cannot send commands

Notice: intents are the same for Notify for Mi Band and Notify for Amazfit/Zepp apps
Replace com.mc.miband with com.mc.xiaomi when using Notify for Xiaomi app

Doing actions on Notify app

Disable button

Action: com.mc.miband.buttonDisable

Enable button

Action: com.mc.miband.buttonEnable

Resend last notification

Action: com.mc.miband.resendLastNotificationByTasker

Dismiss last notification

Action: com.mc.miband.stopLastNotificationByTasker

Disable sleep heart monitor

Action: com.mc.miband.sleepHeartDisable

Enable sleep heart monitor

Action: com.mc.miband.sleepHeartEnable

Disable Mi Band wrist to turn on display

Action: com.mc.miband.miband2WristDisable

Enable Mi Band wrist to turn on display

Action: com.mc.miband.miband2WristEnable

Disable sleeping time settings (include weekends)

Action: com.mc.miband.sleepingTimeDisable

Enable sleeping time settings (include weekends)

Action: com.mc.miband.sleepingTimeEnable

Toggle workout pause

Action: com.mc.miband.workoutTogglePauseTasker

Connect to band (if not already connected)

Action: com.mc.miband.connectToBand

Re-connect to band (force reconnection)

Action: com.mc.miband.reconnectToBand

Set Notify silence mode

Action: com.mc.miband.setNotifyMode.disableAll

Set Notify normal mode

Action: com.mc.miband.setNotifyMode.enable

Enable Band disconnection notification on band

Action: com.mc.miband.miband2DisconnectionEnable

Disable Band disconnection notification on band

Action: com.mc.miband.miband2DisconnectionDisable

Sync data from Mi Band (since 6.10.9 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.syncData
Please notice: if you sync data before wake up you may see wrong sleep statistics

Disable heart monitor (since 8.3.11 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerHeartDisable

Enable heart monitor (since 8.3.11 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerHeartEnable

Disable night mode Mi Band 3 (since 8.4.3 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerNightModeDisable

Enable night mode Mi Band 3 (since 8.4.3 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerNightModeEnable

Disable band DND mode (since 8.13.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerBandDNDDisable

Enable band DND mode (since 8.13.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerBandDNDEnable

Export steps/sleep/heart/weight spreadsheet data (since 8.18.11 app version)

Files will be saved on a folder named "export" into the backup folder selected on the Notify app general settings.
If no backup folder is set, the files will be saved on the default files directory of phone /storage/emulated/0/android/data/com.mc.miband1/files/export or /storage/emulated/0/android/data/com.mc.amazfit1/files/export/

Optional parameters (extra):
start - long - timestamp (in milliseconds) since when start exporting data. Default value 00:00:00 of current day
end - long - timestamp (in milliseconds) end time of exporting data. Default value current time
Action: com.mc.miband.taskerExportAllSpreadsheetData

Enable smart alarm (since 9.2.11 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerAlarmEnable
Parameters (extra):
alarm - integer - number of alarm (valid number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Disable smart alarm (since 9.2.11 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerAlarmDisable
Parameters (extra):
alarm - integer - number of alarm (valid number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

Change current profile (since 9.3.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerProfileSet
Parameters (extra):
profile - String - name of profile to activate (must be the same exact name showed on the notify main left menu)

Refresh band weather info (since 11.0.7 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.weatherUpdate

Set Alexa trigger enabled/disabled (since 12.0.3 app version)

Actions available:

Parameters (extra):
status - boolean - true to enable the trigger. false to disable the trigger. Default value: false

Start accelerometer monitoring (since 12.0.9 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.sensorStart

Stop accelerometer monitoring (since 12.0.9 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.sensorStop

Start anti loss phone feature (since 12.5.3 app version)

Parameters (extra):
interval - integer - minutes. Default value: 5 Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.phoneLostStart

Stop anti loss phone feature (since 12.5.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.phoneLostStop

Enable shower mode (since 12.9.7 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.showerModeEnable

Disable shower mode (since 12.9.7 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.showerModeDisable

Run save backup (since 13.2.7 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.backupRun

Send weather data (since 14.6.7 app version)

Check dedicated tutorial

Disable band Always-on-display mode (since 15.7.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerBandAODDisable

Enable band Always-on-display mode (since 15.7.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.taskerBandAODEnable

Receiving events from Notify app

Get realtime measured heart value

After band has measure heart rate, you will receive this intent. Remember to set the heart monitor mode to "Notify app mode" on the heart monitor settings, to be able receive this event!
Action: com.mc.miband.heartRateGot
Extras: value - contains measured heart rate (integer)

Get realtime measured steps (since 12.2.3 app version)

To receive current day steps number, you will receive this intent
Action: com.mc.miband.stepsGot
Extras: value - contains steps number (integer)

Get band battery value

After the Notify app get the band battery value, you will receive this intent
Action: com.mc.miband.batteryStatGot
Extras: value - contains battery value (integer)

Receive the intent when an early bird alarms starts

When an early bird alarm starts, you will receive this intent
Action: com.mc.miband.smartAlarmRun

Receive the intent when wake me up alarm starts

When wake me up alarm starts, you will receive this intent
Action: com.mc.miband.startWakeUp

Receive the intent when band get connected

Action: com.mc.miband.connected

Receive the intent when band get disconnected

Action: com.mc.miband.disconnected

Receive the intent when you fell asleep (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)

Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section
Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.fellAsleep

Receive the intent when you woke up (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)

Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section
Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.wokeUp

Receive the intent when you reache the steps goal (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)

Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section
Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.stepsGoalReached

Receive the intent when you stop wearing the band (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)

Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section
Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.notWearing

Receive the intent when power nap alarm has been enabled (since 8.14.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.powerNapOn

Receive the intent when power nap alarm has been disabled (since 8.14.1 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.powerNapOff

Receive the intent when band battery 100% charged (since 11.1.3 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.batteryCharged

Receive the intent when a sensor data is tracked. Start the Sleep as Android or sensor test tracking first (since 12.2.2 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.sensorData
Extras: time - timestamp in milliseconds (long) Extras: x - x value (integer) Extras: y - y value (integer) Extras: z - z value (integer)

Receive the intent when reject call button is pressed - set reject call button to Tasker action (since 12.2.3 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.callRejected

Receive the intent when ignore call button is pressed - set ignore call button to Tasker action (since 12.2.3 app version)

Action: com.mc.miband.tasker.callIgnored

Receive band trigger events (since 14.5.8 app version)

To setup a trigger open Tools section on Notify - Custom triggers. Set the action to Tasker
Triggers available:

Receive button events intent

Check dedicated Tasker button tutorial

Password protected Tasker intents (since 10.3.1 app version)

Add password parameter (extra) with the same string set on Notify app Tasker settings

How to receive an intent on Tasker

Check the tutorial How to receive an intent

How to send an intent on Tasker

Check the tutorial How to send an intent

How to send a custom notification from Tasker to the band

Check the tutorial How to send a notification