Workout data sync is deprecated on Notify

Workout data sync is not supported anymore

Workout data sync from the smartwatch has been deprecated on Notify due to lots of conflicts and problems with different smartwatch models, firmware versions and official app

Workout data sync procedure is still active, Notify app continues to fetch data from the smartwatch, but there is no guarantee data will be synced correctly (you may get missing/partial/wrong data)

Please prefer to start workouts from the Notify app to ensure all data is tracked correctly

There is no user help support (email, ...) for workout data sync issues, please understand

How workout data sync works on Notify (deprecated)

The below tutorial is just for reference, it may work or not work

Workout data can be synced only one time from band (due to smartwatch firmware limitations)
Only sync one workout at once to avoid additional conflicts with official app installed.

How sync works when official app is installed (deprecated)

When also official app is installed you have to follow the correct steps to be able get workouts synced on both apps, or workouts may get synced only on one app (the first one to sync data).
If you keep Notify and the official app app opened (background) and connected correctly (BEFORE start sync new data from band), you should be able to obtain data on both apps.
Open the official app firstly to sync workout data and then new workout data should be available also on Notify app automatically.

You cannot resync a workout once official app has already synced it.
Remove official app to avoid this kind of sync conflicts.

How sync works when official app is not installed (deprecated)

Sync one workout at once to avoid data sync conflicts.

Please prefer to start workouts from the Notify app to ensure all data is tracked correctly